23 February 2010

Keep The Faith

We arrived at the relatively unknown bouldering location of Rousse armed with a stack of bouldering mats taller than Luke. The aim, to establish some more problems and to hopefully tick off a hard project which had beaten Chris, Nathan and myself last year.

After a quick warm up on some of the easier problems Nathan and I started to work the project and it wasn’t long before we’d done all the moves but could we link them together? The answer was yes! We named this large overhanging rounded arĂȘte “Keep the Faith”.

The group’s attention then turned to finding some new lines. Amongst these was a text box introduction to lay backing and quality area with a number of sit starts of varying difficulties.

One thing is for sure… we’ve only scratched the surface!

Steve Le F

20 February 2010

Bouldering Competition 2010!

Here are the results for the bouldering competition held last Thursday, congratulations to both Steve and Andrea on winning their respective sections and well done to all who took part!!!

Female CategoryScore / 42
Male CategoryScore / 42
Steve Le Feuvre41
Nathan Crabb38
Nathan Fallaize34
James Burton28
Dave Godley24
Christophe Fierdepied23
Andy Charnley21

10 February 2010

Micro Guide To The Pequries Boulder

The GMC are proud to present the first boudering MicroGUIDE!!!!

This neat little guide can be printed and made into a booklet. It details the majority of the bouldering around the Pecquries Boulder and is free to download now on the club website!

So go download it, grab your bouldering mat (or borrow the club's one) and I'll see you there!

Steve Le F

East coast scramble

Second scramble of the year was route 45 reversed - Bathing pools to Fermain. A 0.5m low water made it pretty simple, and as you can see, Andy enjoyed the afternoon even if he did get a bit damp!