As nobody in the club got an invite to the royal wedding we decided to take advantage of the April/May bank holidays by taking a sport climbing trip to sunny Spain!!!

It was certainly a trip of firsts. For some their first climbing trip for others the first time they had steak 6 nights in a row or the first time they went DWS. Grade wise Little Chris climbed his first (and second) 8a, possibly a first for a Guernsey lad? I climbed my first 7c while skipping four grades in the process and Nathan climbed the 3 star route Spiderman which was his first 7a.

Of course the usual balls ups did occur, we spent the best part of a day looking for a crag, we nearly wrecked 2 hire cars, we never made it out the villa before 10:00, we left the villa stinking of beer and Martin nearly chopped off his own finger but we sure did have fun doing all of it!!!
Keep an eye out for the full trip report on the website!