05 August 2012

Grendel's Mother

After a number of session where more time was spent carrying mats than trying the problem, Chris and I finally sent the highball problem at Fort Le M. Grendel's Mother is a three star V7 line which climbs the slightly over hanging face of the Stack South of the Fort. Thanks to all the spotters and mat carriers. Steve Le F

Grendel's Mother from Steve Le Feuvre on Vimeo.

24 June 2012

Crocodile Racer

It took a few sessions and some understanding spotters but I final managed to do my project at Rousse which has become "Crocodile Racer" a three star problem which goes at about V6

19 May 2012

The Knife

Nathan and I made the most of a spring tide by heading out to the "Knife". A new bouldering venue just off the West Coast. We quickly did all the obviously lines, definitely worth the long walk out. Check out the video for some of the highlights.

12 May 2012

Saturday @ Le Bigard

Typical climbing at Le Bigard - Sunny slab climbing, birds nests on belays and James and Abi hanging about on the Lynx.  Also included for good measure - four of the five bits of gear Tom managed to drop but luckily rescue! :)

28 April 2012

El Chorro 2011/2012

Four friends barley make it to El Chorro to end 2011 on a high and start 2012 as they mean to go on