07 June 2010

Two Projects Sent!

After coming back from Font all I wanted to do was boulder something hard! During a club session at Port Soif I started looking at a line straight up the middle of the barrel boulder. Although there are already some problems on this boulder the obvious line up the middle using the lonely hand hold remained unclimbed.

I wasn't the only one bouldering hard. Chris Smith had just sent his project at the Pecqueries boulder. "He's not Queer, he's just a Hobbit" takes the undercut pinch rail to the right of "The Classic" and could well be Guernsey's hardest boulder problem weighing in at V7.

After many sessions the barrel project finally went to give "Potential Difference". As for the grade I have no idea as its probably the hardest thing I've done and therefore hard for me to assign a number to it.

See you out there!

Steve Le F

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