The GMC have a social, and what happens? Another adventure is planned! Well when I say planned I mean discussed, agreed by a drunken few, never mentioned again, then it takes place. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you The Story of The Havelet Traverse 1st August

During the course of the social it was mentioned that the tides would be pretty good for an attempt on the Havelet Wall. Many were up for it, but the following day many were not. I wasn’t sure if people were going to be there, or if it would actually take place so on Sunday morning, I thought I’d go for a bike ride and head to the wall to see if anyone else was there, I packed my shoes, a towel, a t-shirt and off I went. All the way into town I was wondering who, if anyone would be there. If no-one was there then my plan was to carry on around the island on my bike and maybe go for 2 laps of it. As I turned off the main road and headed towards Castle Cornet I still wasn’t sure if it would be a goer or not. The I saw them......Greg, Stina, & James B. 5 minutes later Laura turns up with 2 friends from Uni. Ed & Robyn. It was on! We looked at the wall and all decided it was a long, long way but hey we were here so no point messing about, we may as well get on with it.
Greg took the lead and Stina became the official photographer for the days event. Next up was Ed, followed by Laura then Robyn, James B & I took last place on the wall. We all started right up the top of the slipway, Greg, James & me all took the decision to come off just before we got over the water then rest before going for it. I did 25 metres so I “won” the bet with Greg & Nathan so another £50 gets donat

After a few minutes Greg was back on the wall, then James then I went for it again.
Suddenly Robyn was in the water, Havelet had claimed the first victim of the day!
The tide was still on the up and ledges which looked good were soon getting covered with water and the wave splashing up the wall and covering your legs, surprisingly the water wasn’t that cold. The unwritten rule of the day was that you couldn’t give up on the wall without getting a good dunkin’
The tide was still on the up and ledges which looked good were soon getting covered with water and the wave splashing up the wall and covering your legs, surprisingly the water wasn’t that cold. The unwritten rule of the day was that you couldn’t give up on the wall without getting a good dunkin’

Greg suddenly came off the wall, and took a swim back to the slipway.

I didn’t see Laura come off as I think I was more concerned about staying on myself at that point but I saw her swim back. Apart from James and Ed I think she got the furthest so fair play to her. We were falling like flies now!

About 15 minutes later, Martin and Chris turn up, then Nathan arrives. Chris and Nathan decide to give James some encouragement so they clamber over the top, down the rusty chain and start doing the traverse. Well they were supposed to be doing the traverse, Nathan seemed more keen to go for a swim and Chris was happy just doing horizontal handstands. James mentioned he was starting to get tired and I’m not surprised he’d been on the wall for about 1hr 45 mins if not longer, then his leg slipped once, then his arm went then splash!!! He was in. How far did he get? About ½ way...............
between the rusty chain and the ladder.
between the rusty chain and the ladder.
Good effort Sir! And that was that the Havelet Traverse remained unbeaten but the battle isn’t over.
As usual folks plenty more pictures on the Facebook group pages.
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