31 January 2011

The Bouldering Cave

Phase one of the Bouldering Cave is now officially complete! In brief it consists of the following

The Brownie Board
This is the board at the most gentle of angles (10-15 deg off vertical).

The V Board of Heros
Same as above but a little steeper, around 25 deg.

The Moon Board
A 40 deg wall which has graded problems set by Ben Moon.

Campus Board
A small board developed for training purposes which consists of wooden rungs at regular intervals.

In addition to the boards the GMC has invested in two huge crash mats. A number of club members' own personal bouldering mats are now stored there so feel free to use these while in the cave. Please remember although all these mats make for a soft landing they do not make you invinsble!

The three main boards have been equiped with 135 brand new holds providing a selection of interesting colour coded problems at a variaty of grades. We are also due another 60 holds soon so expect more problems to be put up shortly. As the Cave is now offically open if you're not a Gold or Silver member you'll have to pay £3.50 for a session, still well worth it in my opinion!

Take it easy

Steve Le F

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