17 March 2010

Climbing @ Gull Zawn last saturday

Whilst Dave has been off skiing, his bosses sent his mate Adam over to cover for him. Dave had said he was 'quite good ;-)', so we decided to take him down to Gull Zawn to sample some of the highest quality routes the island has to offer. James W and Olly came out for their first taste of real Guernsey rock too.  The day started a bit cool, but the sun soon came out to give a fantastic afternoon of climbing - Adam led the 3-star routes of 'Rock of Ages', 'After the Goldrush', and 'Hades' in good style (seconded and toproped by most of us).  James and Olly enjoyed the thrutchy delights of 'Chockstone chimney' on toprope so much that they each climbed it twice, and James spent every spare minute trying to wear out Nathan's abseil rope by sliding down it! The day finished with a couple of beers at the Rockmount watching the sun go down, what a top day out!  Plenty of pictures on Facebook as usual.

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