22 March 2010

Little Chris back with a bang!

Some of us went to Gull Zawn again on Sunday and had a great afternoon's climbing!  Back from skiing, Dave refrshed his memory on placing trad gear on 'Rock of Ages' HVS 5a *** before doing the '3-star E1' 'After the Goldrush' and rating it a 'Four star' route. Steve powered through the roof on the wall outside the zawn to lead the cruxy 'Climax' E1 5c. Fresh back from his attempts to become a Hobbit, Little Chris then also led it. James B led the first pitch of 'Shot in the dark' S, finding it more difficult than last summer.
Back inside the zawn, Big Nathan dispelled the 'Desparate struggle' myth to make a swift ascent of 'Rat Trap' VS 4c. Steve then led 'Interstellar Overdrive' E1 5b * in good style, breaking a brick-sized foothold off in the process - Helmets are cool kids! Dean did his first outdoor route - 'Chockstone Chimney' HS 4b on toprope.  Finally, Little Chris cooly led 'Hades' E3 5c ***  - the route immortallised on the back of the guidebook, and 'The finest pitch in Guernsey' apparently.  It was the first ascent by a local in many, many years as far as we know. Well done to all, and thanks to those wh obelayed and seconded.  Lots more photos on the FB group by the end of the week!

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